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by Erik Eidissen

Strength Training - Your Brain Improves Memory

drawing of brain made of question marks

Did you know we have the opportunity to regenerate our brain cells as we age? Nerves, brain cells, and networking patterns storing and retrieving information occur substantially after birth, continuing through the juvenile and adolescent years, and into young adulthood. 

By the time we reach mature adulthood, it was assumed the level of new nerve production began a progressive decline. However, technical advances over the past several decades have proven otherwise. Now, there is almost universal acceptance in the scientific community that some nerve cells can continually generate into adulthood and be added to established nerve networks.

Brain Potential - Where Is The Memory Located?

The brain is a remarkable organ and continues to teach scientists new things. It displays a persistent capability to change across the lifespan, forcing new networks to process, store new information, and retrieve old information. As a comparison, picture a phone or electric lines.

Over time, they become extended and must be repaired. This is similar to the network of nerves that relay information back and forth to the brain. As new cities and neighborhoods expand, it is necessary to broaden the wires and connections to merge telecommunications to the new areas.

The brain is also a central system for storing information collected over a long time. Some information will be more important and recalled more often than other information. When your brain doesn’t make new connections over a period of time, it conserves some of its activity to help recreate nerve and memory function more useful to your current situation—officially defined as pruning, but more often referred to as “Use it or lose it!”.

Long-term memory storage belongs to the hippocampus, which is also responsible for retaining all past knowledge and experiences. Additionally, it plays a major role in the type of memory that involves the recollection of facts and events, and the location of objects or people. Think of it this way: without the work of the hippocampus, we would not remember where our home is located. Alzheimer's (a disease that affects the elderly and often results in loss of memory) has been proven to have affected and damaged this area of the brain. 

The hippocampus is one brain region where scientists agree that the production of new nerve cell formation is ongoing throughout life. Based on this experimental evidence, scientists are investigating areas in the hippocampus to further study the functions of learning and memory, anxiety, and stress regulation.

What Causes the Brain to Malfunction?

Unfortunately, brain malfunction can be caused by a variety of reasons, including:

  • Too much glucose in the blood results in insulin resistance.
  • Inflammatory responses in the brain cause cells and nerve networks to clump together abnormally, affecting brain signaling.
  • As a result of the inflammatory responses, the clumps of cells and nerve networks may block the passage of the electrical signals that relate to memory function.
  • Free radical damage causes plaque formation resulting in aging of the brain.

Ways to Reduce Risk of Brain Malfunction

Those who consume higher antioxidant levels appear to have less plaque formation over time. Vitamins C, E, and various antioxidants have been shown to provide protection against plaque formation. In the brain, the nerve endings contain the highest concentrations of vitamin C in the human body after the adrenal glands.

Flaxseed Oil with ALA Supports Memory

Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is called the major precursor for polyunsaturated fatty acids (a compound found in many plant-based oils and fatty fish). A deficiency in the ingredient has been shown to alter the structure and function of membranes in the nerves and brain. If there aren’t enough polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diet, certain dysfunctions occur in the brain.

A study conducted over a 12-month period involving young and old animals showed when they were fed a diet supplemented with ALA, they had improved performance in their working memory. Scientists found that numerous biochemical pathways were affected. ALA supplementation improved effects on cognitive functions during the natural aging process. The scientists could tell that the improvements were accompanied by alterations of the hippocampus nerve networks and brain signaling.

3 Supplements to Promote Brain Health

Even with the healthiest of lifestyles, many of us need to supplement with the right nutrients. Here are three with great benefits to brain health:


ALA is essentially food for your brain. A deficiency in the ingredient has shown dysfunction to occur through memory impairment, brain fog, and neurological decline with age. DIGESTIVE+++ contains prebiotics, probiotics, and enzymes. It contains the best quality cold-pressed flaxseed oil to optimize your brain and nerve cells.

2. OMEGA+++

In several randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials, omega 3´s (DHA and EPA) demonstrated positive effects on memory decline in a small group of patients with mild Alzeimer’s disease. DHA omega 3’s also improved short-term and working memory, immediate verbal memory and delayed recall capability in older people with mild cognitive impairment.

Furthermore, DHA was able to be transferred to the cerebral brain fluid, reduce the amount of amyloid plaque, and reduce parameters of inflammation.

Get your daily dose of the omega 3’s by taking the OMEGA+++ supplement.


Now more than ever we need to boost our immune health to fortify our bodies against the millions of bacteria and external illnesses we come into contact with daily. Formulated with 220 percent more absorbable and effective vitamin C, IMMUNE+++ also contains:

  • Bioflavnoids (found in Life-C Blend)
  • Camu Camu
  • Ascerola
  • Aswagandha
  • Sea Buckthorne
  • Pomegranate (rich in important free-radical fighting antioxidants)

The synchronistic blend of traditional mushrooms is also full of components important for anti-inflammation to support nerve and brain health. For more health tips and information about LifePharm's products, please visit out website!

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